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The Visionary Business Builder Community Standards

Welcome to the Vision Comes to Life Community! I want all our community members to have a great experience. To enable that experience, I will be moderating the comments and replies to foster the spirit of inclusivity for all our members. Please take a moment to become familiar with our community guidelines. 

Why the Guidelines Exist

Almost 20 years ago, I met a young woman who imparted some words of wisdom on me that I still live by today. This amazing woman shared when speaking to another person, ask yourself first, “is it kind, honest, and necessary.” If what is about to be said does not meet all three of these parts, then whatever was to be said should be left unsaid. This idea is needed more than ever in today’s world, especially in a world where people feel compelled to say whatever comes to mind. I encourage community members to subscribe to a thoughtful mindset when interacting.

Member Comments

All comments by members are welcome and are required to follow the community guidelines’ three Rs. 

  • Be Respectful – Where there is commentary, there is never an expectation of agreement. Practicing civility encourages not only dialogue but also promotes receptiveness.  
  • Be Reliable – Citing sources is another way to promote receptiveness. Back up your claims with accurate and credible information. 
  • Be Reassuring – People come from all walks of life and bring their unique life experiences into situations. Life would be boring if everyone thought the same and differing opinions can promote changing perspectives. 

 Reporting & Ramifications

My blog is for everyone to learn and express themselves as they deem fit within the community standards. If any comments from our members are NOT kind, NOT honest, AND NOT necessary, please leave it unsaid and instead make comments that encourage higher learning. This space is designed to provide a safe environment for members to feel welcome in expressing their thoughts and expertise.

If you see any post that violates the community guidelines’ three Rs, please flag the post and report it immediately to the moderator. Posts that should be flagged are, but are not limited to:

  • Hate speech or any speech that is abusive or attacking in nature.
  • Racist speech or any speech that generalizes any ethnic group.
  • Comments that assault anyone based on gender, religion, sexual orientation, or education. For example, content using the words “stupid” or “dumb”  should be reported.

Comments that violate the community guidelines will be removed, and the comment’s author will be advised of the violation. Repeat offenders of the community guidelines will be blocked from making future comments. 

In the spirit of forgiveness, a blocked member may submit a request to the moderator for readmission to the community by apologizing for the offense and promising not to engage in such actions in the future.

*Guideline inspiration from Positive People.
